「自分の生きている時代と場所に取り組むことが私の仕事」作曲家インタビュー:アーサー・ゴットシャルク氏(Arthur Gottschalk)

[English is below Japanese]



1. まず簡単にあなたの生い立ち、どこでどのように育ったのか、作曲家としての活動を始めたきっかけは何だったのか、などについて教えて頂けますでしょうか?













2. あなたは多くの吹奏楽作品を発表しています。日本でもあなたの吹奏楽作品のファンがいます。吹奏楽にどのような魅力を感じているかについて教えて頂けますか?









3. 吹奏楽曲を作曲する際、特に注意していることや心がけていること、あるいはあなた独自のルールはありますか?













4. 作曲家として人生のターニングポイントとなった自身の作品があれば、その作品についてのエピソードを教えて下さい。(これは吹奏楽作品でなくても構いません)











5-a. ご自身の作曲または編曲に強く影響を受けた他の作曲家や編曲家の作品があれば、それについてどのような影響を受けたのか教えて下さい。(クラシックでなくても構いません)











5-b. 上記とは別に、現代の作曲家で特に注目している作曲家がいれば理由と合わせて教えてください。












6. 将来の目標(またはこれから新たに取り組みたいこと)について教えてください。





また、私はブルーベック・ファミリー、特に大学時代の友人であるクリスと一緒に、有名なジャズだけでなく、幅広いスタイルやジャンルで活躍した作曲家としてのデイヴ・ブルーベックを紹介する一連のレコーディングをプロデュースすることにも深く関わっています。クリスによれば、彼の父親は200箱ほどの楽譜を残したというから、私はこのプロジェクトにこれから何年も取り組むことになるでしょう。今年8月30日にリリースされる 「The Voice of Brubeck 」の第1巻が完成したばかりです。


7. あなたの作品は、世界中の多くの国で演奏され、評価されていることと思います。日本の若い作曲家や作曲家を目指す日本の学生たちにアドバイスをお願いします。











ぜひ多くの方にCDやYou Tube、演奏会を通じてゴットシャルクさんの作品に触れていただきたいと思います。


取材・文:梅本周平(Wind Band Press)

Interview with Arthur Gottschalk1. First of all, would you tell me about your background, where and how you grew up, what made you started as a composer?

Thak you. I am from the Northeastern United States, primarily New York and New England. I started as a trumpet player, but switched to trombone when I entered high school. I also started composing when I was 12, mostly for brass instruments for me and my friends to play, and then for my school bands and orchestras. I continued through high school, and became very good at my instrument. But when I applied for college, it was with the sciences in mind. I was accepted into the University of Michigan Honors College, majoring in Pre-Medicine. However, I immediately auditioned for William Revelli and the famed Michigan Band. I also took Music Composition lessons. After three years, I began to imagine myself working as a music professional, and so I transferred to the Music School, as a Music Composition major. There I studied with Ross Lee Finney, Leslie Bassett, and William Bolcom, all of whom were distinguished band composers, and who encouraged me to compose for wind ensembles. Because my parents would not support my desire to become a musician, I became a professional trombonist, and then a studio musician and arranger, in order to support myself financially. I also met many Japanese band directors at Michigan, as William Revelli would often have famous Japanese band directors visit the campus and work with our ensembles. I learned of the proud tradition of band music in Japan, and developed a huge respect for the musicians practicing there. To this day, it has always been a dream of mine to be invited to come to Japan. Sadly, the airport at Tokyo is the closest I have come, as I have traveled to other Asian countries to perform my music and work with their ensembles. At any rate, I earned all of my degrees at The University of Michigan, and now teach at Rice University. The Shepherd School of Music is one of the finest music schools in the world, but sadly we have no wind ensembles, as we are an orchestra and opera training school. I continue to compose for band, but not as much as I would like. My commissions and performances of band music are generally from outside the United States; for example, my “Concerto for Violin and Symphonic Winds” is being played at the Corciano Festival in Italy, a country where it has been played many times, in August of this year.


2. You have published many wind band works. There are fans of your wind band works in Japan. Would you tell me about what fascinates you about wind band music?

What fascinates me about wind band music is what should, and does, fascinate every thinking composer, and that is the extraordinary palette of colors available from a modern wind ensemble. After all, as orchestras grew in size during the 19th Century, the number of strings may have increased, but the number of new stringed instruments introduced into the orchestra did not. However, wind sections grew in size, and new sounds were also provided, via contrabassoons, saxophones, alto flutes, soprano clarinets, Wagner tuben, tenor tubas, and eventually large numbers of new, traditional, and exotic percussion instruments. Therefore, colors are available in the use of new solo instruments, many more combinations become possible, and just as valuable are the sounds created from massed homogenous instruments within the band, such as flute and clarinet choirs, trumpets divided in six or more parts – the possibilities are endless to the creative ear. Just as importantly, many forward-thinking band leaders have made it their mission to create a new and exciting literature for the medium of wind and percussion, and new works and composers are thus welcomed by the band community. The same cannot truly be said about the orchestra community who, by and large, are content to perform the same old masterpieces year after year, and only play occasional small orchestra works, possibly to satisfy requirements for the grants that they apply for. One of the most exciting works I encountered as a child was when I first heard Stravinsky’s “Rite of Spring”. But equally exciting to me was when I first heard Hindemith’s “Symphony in Bb”.


3. When composing a wind band piece, is there anything you pay special attention to, keep in mind, or have any rules of your own?

When I first wrote music for band, as a child, I wrote music that sounded like the music I was familiar with. When I began my formal training, I began to write music that might be considered by others as avant-garde, or modernist, as I wished to be accepted by the older composers who I respected and learned from. But then, as I matured, I learned to relax, not worry about what others might say or think, and to write music that I found interesting and that, hopefully, others might like to play and to listen. I am interested in beauty, and all the many ways that might be defined and captured. I am also interested in narrative; I like music to start somewhere, and then go somewhere interesting, making the journey worthwhile. I tell my students what I believe, that we must do something to reward people who give us their time and attention, by playing and listening to our music. If I write a piece, and performers go to all the trouble to learn and practice it, and then other people give up minutes of their lives in order to listen to it, it should be memorable and worthwhile to them. There should be something in each piece that people can remember and carry with them after the experience is done. If not, why did so many fine musicians go to such lengths to play and interpret my music? So, I always start with a core idea, a sound, something that I hope will make someone sit up, if even for a moment, and think “This is interesting. This is worth my time.” Then the piece itself can be considered a framework, a narrative, a journey, of how to get there, and what do we do when we arrive. It is stunning to me that so many other composers do not think this way. I am also interested in the music and sounds of my life, and that includes not only Bach and the other masters whose music I love, but the popular music that has surrounded me and defined much of my life, and the music that supports the films and plays that I watch. My time as a studio musician had me playing music of many different genres, and so I love to incorporate jazz, blues, mariachi, rock, and lately even hip-hop influences. I am a composer living in the 21st Century, and these are all 21st Century things, after all. As an artist, I think it’s my job to address the time and the place that I live in, and not the past, and not some supposed future at which we can only guess at best.


4. If you have a piece of your own work that was a turning point in your life as a composer, would you tell me the episode about that work? (This does not have to be a wind band piece)

I was trained by a student of Alban Berg, and then by a student of Darius Milhaud. Apollonian and Dionysian influences, to be sure. I found myself constantly trying to game the twelve-tone system in order to achieve the sounds that I wanted, such as that of a minor ninth chord, or a pentatonic scale. When I was writing my first suite for piano, “Fakebook”, it was with the intention of honoring three great jazz pianists and composers, and I was doing so through a twelve-tone lens. The results were intriguing, I felt, but I still felt that there had to be a better way of capturing what their music meant to me without just imitating it. I took that feeling with me when I began to write my one movement concerto for violin, “Fantasy Variations”. The mathematics required in that piece in order to yield a special moment of release toward the end, when my ear really wanted to use a C minor chord with a G major on top was considerable, and I decided that after these two pieces that I would compose using my ear and my instincts, and never rely on any sort of process or “ism” ever again. Learning to trust my instincts was the best thing that ever happened to me as a composer. Music began to spring freely from my mind’s ear, but I must say that the discipline imposed on me by my early training was a great blessing, and kept me from just wallowing in personal expression and self-indulgence. To this day, I am always excited about what I am going to think of next, and if I’m not, I just don’t compose until I am. After all, if I can’t be excited about my music, how could Impossibly expect anyone else to be?


5-a. If there are works by other composers or arrangers that have strongly influenced your composition or arrangement, would you tell me about them and how they have influenced you? (It does not have to be classical music)

After so many decades of writing music, it is fairly easy to say who these influencers may be. After all, the music is written, and it is fairly plain to hear. So, in no particular order, I will start with Bach. If I was forced to choose only one composer whose music I could listen, it would be him. Everything is interesting, and wildly entertaining. He is certainly cerebral, but incredibly emotional and unfailingly spiritual as well. I can hear more music in a simple Bach chorale than in an entire concert of many others’ music. So yes, Bach. But then, I have a huge regard for Gershwin, and the older I get the less afraid I am of admitting it. I just completed a piano and chamber orchestra work which is an homage, or tombeau as the French would say, to the “Rhapsody in Blue”, of which this year is the 100th anniversary of its premiere. I likewise also completed a song cycle, six songs which are contrafacts of six Gershwin songs. I love what is now called The Great American Songbook. To that end, I have written a work for band and saxophone quartet called “Four New Brothers”, based very loosely on the Woody Herman standard “Four Brothers”. Darius Mihaud, my “grand-teacher” through William Bolcom, is another composer whose work I admire, as he took such pleasure in trying new things out, looking at familiar things in new ways, and in general having joy in his music making. But I have a lot of ingredients that I can call upon, ranging from Latin music (Revueltas is a composer who I admire) to Asian (Takemitsu’s “Waves” profoundly changed me when I first learned and performed it as a trombonist in the 1970s). The last movement of my “Sonata for Bass Clarinet”, for example, climaxes with a fast and furious boogie-woogie beat between the instruments.


5-b. Apart from the above, would you tell me about any contemporary composers that you are particularly interested in, along with the reasons why?

MacMillan is a master of the orchestra, and of delivering exquisite and passionate works. William Bolcom and John Corigliano are, to my mind, the greatest living composers in America. Gyorgy Kurtag makes amazing music with the most limited means. Charles Mingus created music that resonates with me to this day, having discovered it when I was still a child. My favorite composer, who I feel the most musical kinship to, is Alfred Schnittke, whose forced explorations into folk and ethnic music by the Soviet bureaucracy yielded extraordinary musical results. Lately I have been examining the “serious” music of Dave Brubeck, who also studied with Darius Milhaud. I enjoyed the music of Sakamoto, and loved those first two albums, “Thousand Knives” and “B-2 Unit”; they inspired me to make my own electroacoustic music. And I must also add Peter Maxwell Davies, although I much more admire his early work to the more staid tonal works of his second period; I can say much the same about Krzysztof Penderecki. I was very fortunate, as a student at Michigan, to perform two works that are bulwarks in the modern band repertoire, and to meet their composer, Karel Husa, “Music for Prague” and “Apotheosis of This Earth”. Lastly, I was also fortunate in my youth to study for a short while with Aaron Copland, and find his music, all of it, extremely worthwhile.


6. Would you tell me about your future goals (or what you would like to work on in the future)?

I plan to continue to compose until life inevitably prevents me from doing so. It is the reason, simply, that I left medical school and became a musician. I also very much enjoy teaching, and mentoring young musicians, as I was when I was a student. Most of my dearest friends are performers who I have worked with over the years, and I hope to continue to be asked to write music for performers, since I always find my greatest inspiration in considering the performers for whom I am writing. I am also intensely involved in working with the Brubeck family, especially my college friend Chris, in producing a series of recordings which showcase Dave Brubeck as a composer who worked over a broad range of styles and genres, and not just the jazz for which is so famously known. Chris says his father left behind around two hundred boxes of music, so I suspect I’ll be working at this project for many years to come. We just completed Volume One of “The Voice of Brubeck”, to be released on August 30 of this year.


7. Your works are performed and appreciated in many countries around the world. What advice would you give to young Japanese composers and Japanese students who want to become composers?

Famously, learn everything you can from everyone you can study with. Only then can you begin the process of unlearning it all, and finding your own voice. Do not skip step one, or you will have no idea what it is you are unlearning; you will be unanchored and unsure otherwise. Next, take stock of who you are as a musician. You are simply the sum of all the music you have heard. All of it. I repeat, all of it. Something in your listening at some point compelled you to write music. Explore it all; find out what that was. Do not be afraid, do not be ashamed. If it was hip-hop, then find a way to incorporate your hip-hop tendencies into concert music, and avoiding the temptation to merely imitate along the way. Find your voice through the expression of your feelings about all the music that characterizes who you are, and where you came from, and where and when you live. Be aware of what all your contemporaries are doing, just as you should be knowledgeable about what all the great composers of the past have done. Do not reject the masters of the past because you think you don’t like them. All those other musicians who revere those that you disdain are probably less likely to be wrong than you are, if you are honest with yourself. Lastly, learn from each piece that you write, and then apply those lessons to the next pieces. Keep writing. The great baseball players are considered great of they can hit the ball three out of ten times. The most successful songwriters often write a hundred songs before they compose a hit. Keep writing; keep striving to improve, and lastly – always have something to say. If you write a piece of music, and you don’t know what you want to say through it, do yourself and everyone else a favor – don’t write it!


Interview and text by Shuhei Umemoto (Wind Band Press)


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